Friday, February 9

Sunday, October 4

Tony BLiar

Anyone who knows the recent history of this country will hear the news of Tony Blair becoming a potential candidate to the Presidency (?) of EU with total desbelief.A man who only thanks to a well-oiled PR machine and the help from his cronies, feckless like him, is not in prison for routinely lying to millions of his countrymen and for sacrificing thousands of lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. This really is the pinnacle of an era when New Labour (Nouveaux Riches) managed in just over a decade to tear to shreds the moral fibre of a nation and this man Blair was the main culprit. How can a highly conceited man and a pervasive liar be considered for such a post, even when we all know that Brussels is a lair of conmen worse than Westminster? Simply shameful!

Tuesday, September 15

KEITH FLOYD (1943-2009)

For a long time I have admired this exuberant and unconventional chef. One of the few TV people I would make an effort to watch. So much so that last night I left a reminder on my mobile phone not to miss "Keith on Keith" a rather chaotic programme on CH4, which in a way reflected the whole life of Keith Fletcher the unique TV chef. Sadly, this morning I could not believe my eyes when the news ticker on my TV set announced that this hillarious, irreverant and yet professional chef had passed away. No doubt he'll be raising a glass as he steps through the golden gates of heaven! R.I.P.

Wednesday, August 26

Millions of public sector workers face losing 'gold-plated pensions' - MailOnline - 26/08/09

So what! Everybody is tightening their belts while MPs and practically anyone else in the public sector including millions of "paper carriers" in Town Halls and government offices are whistling in the air, as if the current economic crisis has passed them by. More than six years ago my employer decided pure and simply to cancel our private pension scheme to save themselves lots of money and not giving it a iota of thought about us the employees, even when we offered to raise our own contributions! Public sector employees, including those worth their salt (millions have been placed there for political (correctness) reasons rather their ability!) have had it too good for too long. Time to face the reality like the rest of us.

Tuesday, July 28

So Cristiano Ronaldo is gone....

Now is the time for the english press to redirect their fire to another likely candidate... preferably a foreign... Sadly as it may be (I rather see Ronaldo playing here, despite all the jealousy and spite), I have no doubt that in Spain, all the "real" football fans will now see another type of player being served with finer passes and playing amid classier players, therefore less inclined to try and do it all himself. I have no doubt that the best of Ronaldo is yet to come.

Tuesday, June 16

Pirates ahoy!

For many years now I've been saying that most politicians are corrupt until proven innocent. I must admit though that I originally based my assumptions on the unique breed of politicians of my own country... where corruption has sadly become a way of life....almost. What I did not anticipate was that I would be applying the same stamp of shame to the politicians of my adopted country - England. To put the record straight I must add that since this new class of so called New Labour money grabbers seized power, not only have they consistently done away with concepts of honesty, respect and above all common sense, but they seem to have done their damned upmost to achieve their "political goal" which is here now for all to see i.e. their aim is to fill their pockets as fast as possible while pretending to care about the society they live in, something that you could never have read in their election manifesto way back in 1997 or guess while listening to their eloquent speeches to the masses. What a pack of spineless and abject imbecils. Unfortunately all these serious breaches of trust pale into insignificance when compared with the politicians' cowardice to legislate and stand up against many cancers in our society and they do so not only to appease the primitive-thinking hordes that keep squatting in this country, but essentially to collect votes no matter how, so that they can hang on to power for as long as possible and continue to raid at will what was till the latest scandals, a free-for-all, no questions asked, private bank for MPs!

Tuesday, May 19

England's 2018 World Cup bid should sell passion and football people, not politicians - Daily Telegraph - 19/05/09

It is extraordinary the way politicians fight one another to hog the "honours" of great events such as the Olympics (2012) and now the bid for the World Cup (2018) or indeed any such grande event, as long as it helps to project their name, party or both!
What these spendthrift megalomaniacs tend to forget is how and who's going to pay for their fanciful ideas...Actually, we all know. It's the usual suspects: the taxpayers. While the taxpayers do not benefit or may occasional do so in a very insignificant way, it is they who always have to fork out for all the massive and ever-increasing costs.The spiraling costs of the 2012 Olympics have become an almost daily issue. But fear not! Perhaps apart from putting in some dodgy receipts for expenses connected to "having to attend" the odd cerimony or sporting event, rest assured that those most likely to enjoy either of the above world events are those same politicians and their friends, the very same who'll have paid not a penny towards those mind numbing costs. Aren't usually these grandiose ideas the preserve of dictators and one-party states? It all makes sense after all!