Wednesday, January 21


I take a break from my "football-oriented and high-powered dissertations" to congratulate the 44th President of the United States of America - Mr. Barack Hussein Obama II. I wish him well for the future!

Thursday, January 8

Fergie at end of his Tever - The Sun 07/01/09

Believe me, these comments from Tevez were the best Christmas present Sir Fergie could expect. From the way Tevez has been in and out of the team recently, it is clear that Man U have decided some time ago that they would not be prepared to pay those £30 mills. So you can be sure that the days of Tevez at United are doomed! By the way, do not compare this little "harrier" of a player against the class and power of Ronaldo.. for God's sake!

Jordan trial dropped - The Sun 07/01/09

This country - once an example of fair justice and common sense - is now fast becoming an example of a "hollow-celebrity cult" society and an heaven for the corruptly powerful and dishonest...thanks mainly to those spineless "New Labour(?) policy-makers". That is a fact, and who knows, perhaps the lawyer is right. However what is significant in all these "mysterious" acquittals is that no one is ever going to tell you what the "technicalities" were...... What a bloody farce!

Scolari: My players love me - The Sun 03/01/2009

ROMANCE IS IN THE AIR! Here he's again playing the only card not yet turned up!This is exactly what this charlatan did when managing Portugal. When his tactics and his whole football knowledge began to be questioned, he then played the "pally" boss, the "cozy camaraderie" between himself and the players with a particular accent on the more "high profile" and dare I say, important ones, like Ronaldo and Ricardo Carvalho. I honestly believe that the majority of Chelsea fans have concluded by now that this guy Scolari is a fraud and all he wants is all the top players he can (or is allowed to grab) to paper over the cracks that his inability to manage is creating. You don't have to be a expert in psychology to note his pathetic gestures by the dug-out to see they are as meaningless and phoney as his capacities. The guy lost the plot... if ever he had sight of it... Chelsea do need a capable manager - not a friendly "bonzo" -pretending to be one and raking a fortune for being so!

Chelsea 1 - Southend 1 - The Sun 03/01/09

I have to hand it to Scolari and the very patient Chelsea fans in equal measure! From day one I've been saying that this guy would not last beyond Christmas at Chelsea if his disgraceful time as coach of the Portuguese National team was anything to go by.... I have to admit defeat! The "Master Psychologist and Tactitian" is still there! Incredible!!!!!!!! Could it be that this charlatan, pretending to be a football coach, is going to shame and embarass the Chelsea fans the same way he shamed and let down the whole of the more discerning portuguese football supporters, who early on could see that the BOYO from BRAZIL was a complete failure and incompetent football manager? How long are these resilient fans going to put up with this farce?