Monday, December 1

Game, set and match for Phil - The Sun - 29/07/08

Tennis may be a good alternative for this flambloyant
charlatan called Scolari. He may not be a very good football
coach (you'll soon find out), but he knows his priorities.
When he became Portugal coach the first thing he did was to
promote his "friendship" with the most devious and
chamelion-like human being in portuguese football: the
President of the Portuguese Federation. At the same time he
loved to be seen as a loveable "daddy and pal"... but ONLY
towards the most famous players. He did for example take
full advantage of Ronaldo's sad loss of his father to get
even closer to the most famous player of them all, which I
suppose would later "entitle" him to advise Ronaldo to go to
R. Madrid! Now we know why! But this masquerade was all
for his own benefit, with more and more lucrative
advertising endorsements, while the national squad
stagnated and showed no improvements and was only kept
competitive thanks to the above-average qualities of some
of its players. Whatever... we will soon be able to separate
the reality from the fantasy and the real Scolari will stand
out... like a sore thumb!. - Joe Tooga

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