Tuesday, May 19

England's 2018 World Cup bid should sell passion and football people, not politicians - Daily Telegraph - 19/05/09

It is extraordinary the way politicians fight one another to hog the "honours" of great events such as the Olympics (2012) and now the bid for the World Cup (2018) or indeed any such grande event, as long as it helps to project their name, party or both!
What these spendthrift megalomaniacs tend to forget is how and who's going to pay for their fanciful ideas...Actually, we all know. It's the usual suspects: the taxpayers. While the taxpayers do not benefit or may occasional do so in a very insignificant way, it is they who always have to fork out for all the massive and ever-increasing costs.The spiraling costs of the 2012 Olympics have become an almost daily issue. But fear not! Perhaps apart from putting in some dodgy receipts for expenses connected to "having to attend" the odd cerimony or sporting event, rest assured that those most likely to enjoy either of the above world events are those same politicians and their friends, the very same who'll have paid not a penny towards those mind numbing costs. Aren't usually these grandiose ideas the preserve of dictators and one-party states? It all makes sense after all!

Monday, May 18


I'm seating not a million miles from the Houses of Parliament and the stench is unbearable! I'm aware that, right now, the House Speaker Michael Martin is delivering a speech trying to cling on, by the seat of his smelly pants, to the gravy train that he so shamefully and deceitfully tried to hide from the public. I'm of course talking about the scandalous business of MPs' expenses... thus the source of this stench which seems to emanate from a mixture of putrid human flesh and unscrupulous greed, two of the primary ingridients in the build of the modern politician. Let us just hope that this buffoon, another disgraceful product of "New Labour", is kicked well out of the Chambers. Good riddance! A COMMON(S) DISGRACE!
I'm seating not a million miles from the Houses of Parliament and the stench is unbearable!
I'm aware that, right now, the House Speaker Michael Martin is delivering a speech trying to cling on, by the seat of his smelly pants, to the gravy train that he so shamefully and deceitfully
tried to hide from the public.
I'm of course talking about the scandalous business of MPs' expenses... thus the source of this stench which seems to emanate from a mixture of putrid human flesh and unscrupulous greed, two of the primary ingridients in the build of the modern politician.
Let us just hope that this buffoon, another disgraceful product of "New Labour", is kicked well out of the Chambers. Good riddance!